As Dry January draws to a close, we want to take a closer look at why this month of sobriety is so encouraged.
Research from 2018 shows that a month with no alcohol can: lower blood pressure, reduce diabetes risk, lower cholesterol and reduce the levels of cancer related proteins in the blood.
On top of these health related benefits, people reported that during their month of being sober, 70% of people sleep better, 86% of people saved money and 65% of people noticed a general improvement on their health.
Steve Delrosa, a life coach at Live Well Dorset, was asked on his thoughts of dry January.
He said: “There are two sides to it but it doesn’t matter if it’s January for a month it could be March for a month it could be August for 2 weeks I definitely support a detox but its up to the individual how far they want to take that.
“There’s lots of calories, lots of sugar that can have a dramatic impact on weight and weight gain it can decrease fitness and have an impact on mental health.” Delrosa added.
To check out more information about Dry January click here.