Children’s services in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole have been given a good rating by government inspectors.
The inspection found it was a positively transformed service and unrecognisable from the last inspection in 2021 where it was seen as inadequate.
They found significant process in improving services to better help, protect and care for vulnerable children and that young carers receive exceptional support from a dedicated service.
As well as social workers being positive working for BCP and children receiving good help and protection when needed.
Cllr Millie Earl, Leader of BCP Council, said: “Improving our Children’s Services has been and remains an overriding priority for the whole council.
“Despite the significant and ongoing pressures placed upon local government finance, we have consistently invested in improving our services for the benefit of local children and young people.”
The council have managed to gain this rating even with the council saying they’re facing challenges with the budget for SEND students.