Image Attribution explained
When using copyright free images, it’s important you pay attention to crediting the original author. Although an image may be listed as ‘Labeled as Reuse’ in a Google search, you should always visit the page where the image lives and look at information relating to how the image can be used and how it should be credited.
It’s worth noting that every website will be slightly different in terms of what it is asking for in terms of attribution, please be sure to check details when using a photo and credit exactly as specified.
Please note: Any images that are uncredited or have incorrect attribution will be instantly removed from the site
Attribution examples below:
Own Images
If you’ve taken images yourself, they still need to be credited accordingly

Pixabay, Pexels or other sites that say 'No Attribution Required'
Although legally no attribution is required to use these images, we still ask that you credit the source website so we know you have permission to use it.
Flickr or other sites that refer you to the Creative Commons licence
If you are referred to the Creative Commons license on a website, be sure to pay particular attention to the ‘Under the following terms’ sections as this has instructions on attribution.

Wikimedia Commons
If using Wikimedia as a source for photos, please use the exact attribution included in the ‘Use this file on the web’ section (example here)