Dorset mind have re-launched the ‘men in mind’ sessions with AFC Bournemouth after success this past September and October.
The sessions, aimed towards people struggling with their mental health, are free to attend and will last for seven weeks from the 9th November to 21st December at the Vitality Stadium.
Sessions will feature coaching from AFC Bournemouth coaches and will last 45-50 minutes each week, with no level of skill or fitness required.
“Helping people feel that there is somewhere to go and someone to talk to where you have a common conversation around football can be very powerful,” said Talking Cherries founder Simon Kay.
Speaking on the affect this has on the community, Patron of Dorset mind and Bournemouth University lecturer Dr Andrew Mayers said: “At Dorset Mind, we continue to be at the forefront of community mental health and wellbeing support. Part of that is raising awareness through social media, events, and other media activity.”
“We aim to reach right across Dorset,” said Mayers.
Mayers went onto talk about the importance of charities like Dorset Mind with the lack of services elsewhere.
He added: “NHS and statutory services continue to be cut, leaving charities like Dorset mind to support people in the community who are being overlooked.
“Raising awareness, and getting people to speak up about mental health is great, but we need to make sure there are more services to support them when they do come forward seeking help.”
Much like Mayers, Dr George Baines, psychology lecturer at Bournemouth University believes that more needs to be done to continue the conversation on mental health awareness.
“Often despite mental health being spoken about more we, as men, face many barriers to accessing services and getting something helpful from them.
“Better awareness is a step in the process, but our cultural bias to see men as weak persists. I still find that traditional masculinity plays such a large role in shaming men into silence and ultimately some ‘die due to embarrassment’.
The next ‘men in mind’ session will be 23rd November at 6pm.