YMCA Bournemouth is over 145 years old and has provided multiple resources for the community including youth work, family work, training & education and more.
They have been a cornerstone for the community and have helped local Bournemouth residents in many ways across 2024. In the last year they have:
- Housed 184 individuals
- Provided 54,000 meals
- Hosted 1,250 counselling session
- Engaged over 125 people weekly in youth clubs
- Facilitated over 5,185 days of volunteering through its young volunteers
- Served over 6,000 members across its leisure establishments
Safe accommodation is being provided for those dealing with homelessness and YMCA Bournemouth has also empowered young people with disabilities.
Any funds or donations raised from the SKY Dive will support YMCA Bournemouth’s youth clubs, helping to provide key opportunities for those involved in the community.
Dr. Gareth Sherwood, CEO of YMCA Bournemouth, said: “The support we receive through events like the Tandem SKY Drive is truly transformative.”
Sherwood has been working with YMCA since 2005, having previously served the association as a board member.
“The SKY Dive enables us to continue offering life changing programmes and services to people, empowering them to overcome challenges and build brighter futures.”
To register for the Tandem SKY Dive or learn more, please contact Christopher Wakefield via email at christopher.wakefield@ymcabournemouth.org.uk or visit the event website: GoSkyDive – YMCA Bournemouth.