With more and more surgical patients having to wait longer for their surgery, many who can, are taking the opportunity to go private.
According to the independent healthcare even though the majority of young people aren’t expecting to use it, the majority also expect that they will have to.
James Bennett was injured playing football, tearing his ACL.
He was sent home and was left on crutches for 3 months.
“I had an x-ray done in Exeter where I was injured, but when I had an MRI done in Bournemouth they had no idea about it”.
He says that the communication between different area’s hospitals wasn’t good enough and it led to a very negative experience.
After being told he would have to wait for two and a half years, he made the decision to go private, and with that decision costing £8000 it was a decision many would not be able to make.
With an estimate of over 6 million individuals waiting for Surgery across the UK, it’s clear that something must change in order for the waitlist to be cleared.