Bournemouth has an abundance of tattoo studios: there are approximately twenty, with the furthest two only being 6.7 miles away from each other.
Since so many tattoo parlours in Bournemouth are readily available to tattoo the bare skin of eager 18/19 year olds, a poll was conducted which asked 166 students: Will you be getting a tattoo in the future?
61% said yes, 35% said no, and 4% didn’t know yet.
These Bournemouth residents expressed their thoughts on tattoos.

“They’re alright, I’ve got one so I’m not against them. Mine is of an arrow so when life pulls you back you shoot yourself forward”.

“I personally don’t like them on myself or wouldn’t want one but I completely understand peoples freedom of choice if they want to have a tattoo, and actually there are some rather pretty ones out there. I think if they’re subtle and they’re small, sometimes they can actually be quite cute”.

“I like them if they have a deep meaningful reason behind them. I don’t like them if they’re basically something random like a stick man”.

“I don’t like them. Once you’ve got them they’re there forever so once you’ve got them it’s difficult to get them off”.

“I think they’re really beautiful and some of them obviously signify for certain people what they want it to be. My other half has a tattoo and he has one of his nan on his shoulder with a rose so that is something important to him. Whether I would get one or not is a different conversation!”
Want to know about vegan tattoos? Click here
Interested in what tattoo artist ‘Tattoo Tom’ has to say?