A Freedom of Information request to Dorset Police has shown a worrying trend across Bournemouth’s primary schools.
30 students have been reported to take knives, blades and other weapons onto school premises between 2016 and 2018.
The youngest pupil was just 9 years old when they caught with a knife on school grounds. As they are below the age of criminal responsibility police were unable to launch an investigation.
Out of these 30 only three children were called to court; being 13, 15 and 16 at the time.
On 5 separate occasions knives were ‘used or threatened’ in the time period.
Alongside the adolescents; three adults were charged with possessing a blade on school premises during the 2 years. They were each aged 46, 49 and 56.
Whilst Bournemouth is below the national average of the ever rising knife crime problem but it still a large worry amongst local parents. How the Dorset Police intend to tackle this problem is still an unanswered question.