The study made by CAF UK GIVING shows women are more likely to donate money to charities than men.
As it can be seen in the graph below women donated more money than men for different causes in 2017: animal welfare (29% women vs 19% men), hospitals and hospices (25% vs 20%), children and young people (25% vs 21%), and homeless people, housing and refuge shelters (21% vs 16%).
Men are shown to have donated more than women towards sports and recreation (4% vs 2%).
The study also shows which charities young and older people are more likely to donate.
As it shown in the graph above young people in 2017 were more likely to give money to physical and mental health care (27% young people vs 16% older people), homeless people, housing and refuge shelters (23% vs 16%), and educational institutions (9% vs 2%).
Older people on the other hand were more likely to donate more on these charities: hospital and hospices (29% vs 16%); overseas aid and disaster relief (27% vs 20%); religious organisations (22% vs 11%); and elderly people (12% vs 5%).
Similarly to the previous year, the data from 2018 shows women donate more money for these charities: animal welfare (31% vs 20%), children and young people (28% vs 24%), and homeless people, housing and refuge shelters (20% vs 16%).
This can be seen in the graph below.