The recent lockdown has caused students across the country to attempt home schooling.
Alex Murray-Twinn has run the Hampshire branch of Home School Tutoring UK since 2011.
BUzz News asked her if she has any tips for parents who are finding at-home-learning difficult.
Keep to a home schooling routine
Murray-Twinn said, “It’s easy to let bedtime slide, but do try to keep to usual mealtimes and bedtimes.
“Research shows that children work best to a routine.
“Sticking to one will give them a structure to base their day around.
“This is especially important now, when everything else is uncertain,” Said Murray-Twinn.
Do your children need a break?
“Then take one!” Said Murray-Twinn.
Previous to Home School Tutoring, Murray Twinn was a headteacher.
She knows all about how breaks can actually increase your child’s productivity.
She said, “Go for a walk and try to get time outside every day!”
Murray-Twinn also said you should celebrate the wins – like finishing one bit of work set.

Have a clear work space
This is almost an add on to the previous tip.
Murray-Twinn said: “Have a clear workspace and time for ‘school’ work.
“It should be warm and well lit, with some water to hand.”
Struggling with home-schooling ideas?
Alex Murray-Twinn said to try something a little bit different.
Examples include, but aren’t limited to:
- Research a topic your child is interested in by asking Alexa.
- Make a comic book.
- Choose three recipes to try.
For older children maybe teach them how to check/change oil in the car.
The biggest thing
“Don’t let them or let yourself feel pressured!” Said Murray-Twinn, “You can’t do it all.”
The home schooling specialist stressed: “Your children need you to be a mum or dad first and foremost.”
She said, “Our job as parents is to help as much as we can.
“To keep our children’s new normal manageable and healthy (physically, mentally and emotionally)!”
Like primary education expert Kevin McLaughlin previously told BUzz, Murray-Twinn said:
“All you can do is your best – you can’t do it all!”