Homeless charity expands creative workshops after funding boost Read More
Accumulate, the Arts School for the Homeless, is expanding its creative services to outside of London.
Feed up Warm up charity founder, Shane Cole was homeless at aged 17. Buzz finds out how he turned his life around for the better.
The 'Green Homes Grant Scheme' introduced by the government to combat fuel poverty is struggling to reach low income families in time for the hard winter months of lockdown.
Students from low-income families are battling digital poverty as remote learning continues for students across England.
Not all sex-workers are being exploited for many it is their only way out of 'desperate poverty'. Buzz reporter Lauren Joy finds out more.
Sao Paulo is the largest city in Latin America and yet 19% of it's residents live in poverty. Favelas and slums on the outskirts of the city are home to the most impoverished residents.